When using any type of transportation, follow these general principles:
Before you leave:
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- If possible, pack sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol (in case you are unable to wash your hands at your destination).
- Extra masks and a sealable plastic bag. If your mask gets wet or dirty, put a clean mask on and put the wet or dirty mask in the plastic bag until you can wash it.
Once you reach your destination:
Wash your hands again or use hand sanitizer as soon as possible.
During travel:
- Try to keep at least 6 feet from people – for example at a waiting area or on a bus
- Handle only your own personal items
- Wear a mask in public settings and anywhere you are around other people
How to reduce risk while on Public Transit:
Follow the general principles listed above, plus:
- Stay up-to-date with your local transit authorities for any changes to services and procedures – especially if you might need additional assistance.
- Limit touching frequently handled surfaces (such as kiosks, touchscreens, machines, buttons, etc) as much as possible.
– If you must touch these surfaces, as soon as you can, wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water or rub your hands with sanitizer containing 60% alcohol.
- Use touchless payment and no-touch options (such as trash cans and doors) when available.
- When possible, consider traveling during non-peak hours
- Follow social distancing guidelines by:
– Look for instructions or guides offered by transit authorities (for example, floor decals or signs indicating where to stand or sit to remain at least 6 feet apart from others).
– Stay out of crowded spaces when possible, especially at transit stations and stops.
– Consider skipping a row of seats between yourself and other riders if possible.
How to reduce risk while using Rideshare, Carpool, Taxi, or For-Hire vehicles with other passengers
Follow the general principles listed above, plus:
- Avoid riding with drivers or passengers who are unmasked or not properly wearing a mask
- Limit touching frequently handled surfaces (door frame and handles or windows) as much as possible.
- Use touchless payment when available
- Ask the driver to improve the ventilation in the vehicle if possible — for example, by opening the windows
- Follow social distancing guidelines by:
– Limiting the number of passengers in the vehicle to only those necessary.
– Avoiding shared rides where multiple passengers are not in the same household.
– Sit as far as possible from the driver, such as in the rear seat diagonally across from the driver
How to reduce risk if you Work in a Transportation-Related Job:
Follow the general principles listed above, plus check out these resources for:
- Bus transit operators
- Rail transit operators
- Transit maintenance workers
- Food and grocery pick-up and delivery drivers
- Mail and parcel delivery drivers
- Rideshare, taxi, limo and other passenger drivers-for-hire
- Long-haul truck drivers