Advanced Statistics: Small Samples and Pilot Studies
Workshop Description:
What to do with Small Samples and Pilot Studies
This workshop is designed to examine methods that are useful when only a small number of samples may be available. We will discuss exact methods and software-intensive resampling ideas that can be utilized when traditional methods may be biased or otherwise inappropriate.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe effective techniques to consider for small data sets
- Understand how to use resampling methods to obtain estimates
- Understand basic concepts related to nonparametric and distribution-free methods
- Utilize computer programs to obtain resampling estimates
Featured Speakers:

Chad Cross, Ph.D., MFT, Pstat®, C-MDI
Associate Professor in Residence
Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
School of Public Health
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Dr. Chad L. Cross is an accomplished, results-driven, and experienced professional who has extensive experience working in highly complex medical, research, and technical scientific environments. He is a faculty member in the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. He is trained as a multidisciplinary scientist and holds advanced degrees in statistics, the life sciences, and the social sciences. He has expert knowledge, skills, and abilities in research, complex quantitative analysis, leadership, grantsmanship, and policy development. As a professional scientist, he has worked in academia, in the federal government, in private industry, and as a professional consultant. His research consistently involves working with multidisciplinary research teams to bring analytical expertise to novel and interesting research questions. He applies his quantitative work broadly in medicine, biology, and STEM applications. He has particular expertise in quantitative ecology, applied biostatistics, disease ecology/epidemiology, and the ecology and epidemiology of parasites and vector-borne diseases. In addition to these research areas, he teaches several advanced courses in biostatistics, epidemiology, parasitology, and vector biology. He also provides epidemiological and biostatistics research support for several grant-funded projects.