Luis Aceves
Title: Director of Business Development and Marketing
Email: luis@reachlv.org
Phone Number: (702) 477-2755
Website: http://reachlv.org
Program Description: Organization Mission
Research, Education and Access for Community Health (R.E.A.C.H.) is a Non-Profit organization that
provides evidenced-based research, information, development and implementation of programs to
improve community health services and access to care in the State of Nevada, regardless of race,
creed, religion, color, sex, marital status, or physical challenges.
About Reach Programs-4 Main Programs
• VENTANILLA DE SALUD/ WINDOW OF HEALTH is a program that improves access to primary and
preventive health services. It promotes a culture of preventive health care among Hispanics and their
families living in the United States by providing information, education, counseling, and quality
referrals regarding health in a safe and friendly environment. It is operated inside of the Consulate of
Mexico in Las Vegas, NV and it is open to the community in general.
• SALVANDO TU SALUD/SAVING YOUR HEALTH is the new R.E.A.C.H. program that provides basic
health services, education, and referrals for different resources at the Consulate of El Salvador in Las
Vegas, NV for people with or without health insurance at low or no cost for the community regardless
of their country of origin.
• LA RUTA DE LA SALUD – ROUTE OF HEALTH is a program that provides basic health services in our
mobile clinic for people with or without health insurance at no cost. Vision screenings, adult basic
checkups, blood pressure, pediatric basic checkups, glucose test, women’s health, and HIV testing, are
*Will change to address 823 LAS VEGAS BLVD S STE 500 when the Nevada Business License is renewed
on 2/28/2023 and with the IRS when the CPA fille Annual Taxes Form 990 on May 15th
some of the services that we provide to the community in different areas of the city identified as lowincome areas.
• REACH RELIEF PROGRAM is a program that we have created due to the needs and difficult times the
Hispanic community experienced as a result of the pandemic. Its purpose is to provide economic
support to families who were not eligible to receive a stimulus check from the government due to not
having a social security number and/or a legal status in the country.
Services Offered: Purpose: Improve the health of underserved communities and vulnerable populations by assuring
access to comprehensive, culturally competent, quality primary health care services
Goals: Improve the health of underserved communities and vulnerable populations by assuring
access to comprehensive, culturally competent, quality primary health care services
REACH Health Center Fundamentals:
• Deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high quality primary health care, including
supportive services such as health education, translation, and transportation.
• Provide services regardless of patients’ ability to pay.
• Develop systems of patient-centered and integrated care that respond to the unique needs of
diverse medically underserved areas and populations.
• Effectively operate under the direction of a patient-majority governing board.
• Maintain a fiscally responsible and sustainable organization.
Services Provided:
• Primary care services
• Preventive health services
• Behavioral / Mental Health
• Referral Coordination/Scheduling/Follow-up-Specialty care, Dental, Vision/Hearing,
Prescriptions, OB/GYN and some diagnostic lab and radiology services.
• Supportive Services
Target Populations: Children, School Aged-Children, Teens, Young Adults, Adults, Seniors, LGBTQ+, Hispanic/Latinx Populations, Low Income, Immigrants, Refugees, Undocumented,
Research/Focal Areas: Cardiovascular Diseases, Children’s Health, Communicable Diseases, Community Organizing, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Family Health, Health Care, Health Equity, Injury Prevention, Mental Health, Public Policy, Prevention, Respiratory Health, Reproductive and Sexual Health, Substance Abuse/Misuse, Suicide, Women’s Health,